Minh Anh Transport And Services Company Limited

Minh Anh Transport And Services Company Limited

Why choose us

  • 7 years of experience 7 years of experience7 years of experience With more than 7 years of establishment and over 10 years of experience in the maritime industry, key personnel of the Minh Anh are effortting to the development and execution of the company's mission and vision. We can meet all needs of goods, support and create maximum conditions for our partners, customers.
  • Professional staff Professional staffHighly qualified, enthusiastic and dedicated staff, we are always ready to be there when you need us.
  • Covering all port of Vietnam Established in 2018 Covering all port of Vietnam Established in 2018With a professionally developed functioning team of dedicated management and staff aimed at one same goal – exceeding our customer satisfaction by rendering quality services in a professional manner. Our ship agency services and logistics services which covering all port of Vietnam was specifically designed to meet the growing demand for agency services that exceeded usual expectations. We offer value added services with a special focus on customer demand and unmatched communications.


Founded year


Professional staff


Customer served


Order has been completed


Local Port Agency for Vessel at HAI PHONG

By Admin    Time 15/05/2024

Local Port Agency for Vessel at HAI PHONG

Local Port Agency for Vessel at HAI PHONG / NGHI SON/ CAM PHA Port, Viet Nam

Completed customs clearances and delivered” Grab adusting plates” to Vessel

By Admin    Time 15/05/2024

Completed customs clearances and delivered” Grab adusting plates” to Vessel

Completed customs clearances and delivered” Grab adusting plates” to Vessel at CAM PHA Anchorage, CAM PHA Port, Viet Nam.

Completed customs clearances and delivered” enless sling 125Tons” to Vessel at Ha Long Anchorage

By Admin    Time 15/05/2024

Completed customs clearances and delivered” enless sling 125Tons” to Vessel at Ha Long Anchorage

Completed customs clearances and delivered” enless sling 125Tons” to Vessel at Ha Long Anchorage, Cai lan Port on 20th Apr, 2024, Viet Nam.
